Head Above All
January 22, 2017Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, for all that is in the heavens and in the earth is Yours. Yours is the kingdom, O Lord, and You are exalted as head above all. 1 Chronicles 29:11
stacked papers: Heavenly Kristmess by Kristmess Designs
Heavenly Father, You overwhelm us with your beauty, greatness, wisdom, love and all that you are, have always been and will always be. Just pondering everything you have done and what you're like--how holy and infinitely powerful--brings us to our knees. All that you have made and the incredible way that it all works--your beautiful and diverse designs and absolute control over it all--are too amazing for us to comprehend. We are utterly humbled by your love for us, that you would send your only begotten Son to save us from ourselves, from our willful, rebellious nature that delights in sin instead of righteousness. Thank you for rescuing us and making a way back to you, for freeing us from the penalty for our past sins and also from enslavement to the desire to continue sinning. Thank you that your Spirit within us empowers us to overcome, one moment at a time, as we seek your will and your way and abide in Jesus, our Ransomer. Thank you for forgiving and cleansing us when we slip. Thank you for the immeasurably valuable inheritance that is kept for us in heaven as your dear children--a future worshiping and serving you for eternity. We love you with all that we are and ever will be, forever. In the precious, beloved name of our Redeemer, Jesus, Amen.