
Heard My Plea

February 06, 2017

I called on Your name, O Lord,
from the depths of the pit;
You heard my plea, ‘Do not close
your ear to my cry for help!’
You came near when I called on You;
You said, ‘Do not fear!’
Lamentations 3:55-57

kit: Rootin' Tootin' by Kristmess Designs

Heavenly Father, Thank you for this new day, another chance to live for you, to reach those you love with the gospel, to be your hands and feet in this lost world, to receive forgiveness and be washed clean, to seek and do your will, to enjoy all you have given us, and to praise you.  Thank you for the incredible privilege of being able to come to you in prayer with requests that you will handle in the very best possible way (and even impossible sometimes, as only you can).  Thank you for revealing yourself to us through the Bible, all that you have created and by your Spirit.  To know you is to love you, and we're overcome with desire that the whole world should know and love you.  You alone are worthy of all that we can give.  You are our all in all and we worship you.  We want to shout it from the rooftops and wake up everyone who has become satisfied with the worthless things of this world instead of seeking fulfillment in you, the one who made us for himself.  We love you!  Please work out what is inside of our hearts for the world to see YOU.  Please let us never grow tired or discouraged, but to finish this course well, as our beloved Savior did when he went before us to show us the right way to serve you in perfect, selfless obedience.  Let us come home to you utterly spent, not having held back anything our ourselves, but having been completely used for your glory in our short time on earth.  We confess that we are just as unable to make that happen as if we tried to earn or deserve our salvation, but with your help, your wonderful gifts of the Spirit, and your provision of everything we will ever need, we put all of our hope and trust in you to make it so--all according to your perfect will, timing, power and love.  In Jesus' glorious, victorious, worthy and wonderful name, Amen.